Organizing mobile team games has never been this easy!

View the turnkey games catalog

Organize FlagHunt outdoor game for any team


FlagHunt outdoor game for team events video

Outdoor Bingo (GPS game, play anywhere)


Outdoor Bingo game video

Do you have any questions?

Book a free 30-minute meeting with us and let us understand your needs and concerns. Together we can very quickly figure out whether we have a solution for you. We guarantee that spending a moment of your time for this is worth it.


"This was great! We played Who’s Who? game at our summer party and people were more active than what we anticipated. Excellent!"

Marika Kojo, Communications manager, Papula-Nevinpat

Cockpit Event has been a Team Action Zone partner from early 2013, and ActionTrack has been a huge success in our corporate events business. 

Sidsel Skjelmerud, Event manager & partner, Cockpit Event

We also develop and deliver bespoke games

In case you want a fully custom made game or event, just contact us: We are surely able to deliver the game for your exact needs.

We have won multiple awards with activating and interactive games with a purpose. We have licensed ActionTrack games to more than 60 countries worldwide.

Improve your team performance by playing our seriously fun games with a purpose!